Thursday, July 7

London, July 7th. Worst day ever

To my great sorrow I must write about you again, London.

Yesterday's joy has turned into chaos, panic, desolation, grief and much, much rage after the tragic confirmation that terrorisism has again hit Europe, a series of co-ordinated blasts on London public transport (underground and buses) causing at least 33 fatalities and over 300 people injured confirmed up to now.
I send my deepest condolences to the victims and their families, to London and to British people and I hope we all be united together to confront terrorists and this will never happen again.
There have been reactions worldwide united in the condenation of the attacks, with the firm determination and an enormous resolution to go against terrorism.
As for Spanish people, we know a lot about these simultaneous attacks, similar to Madrid last year, so we understand your sorrow and express our solidarity with the people of London.

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