Sunday, May 10

Love and Time. "Word cloud"

Here is a "word cloud" for "Love and Time" my previous post. The cloud gives a greater prominence to words that apperar more frequently in the text. Love is the winner word so that it has a bigger size than the others which are decreasing according to their frequency in the post.

4 comentarios:

Marina said...

Sé que no entiendo bien el post, pero eso de "Palabra de nubes", suena a algo que me gusta.
Amor es siempre importante y el tiempo, esetiempo que a vecesp erdemos en la siesta, le presta sus alas para que pueda llegar.

Un beso cieo mío. Te quiero y quiero que lo sepas... pero en español. Ni soñar con el inglés.

alfonso said...


For sure you are right, as well. Love is the most important word in the world. In fact, love is mother of the rest of words.



Marina said...

No me puedo creer que sepa traducir el comentario del Ñoco,jajajajajajaja ¡¡¡Este chico!!!!

Xurxo said...

Hi Isabel. I'm Xurxo. I was having a look to your blog and I like it very much.I think, looking your blog, that you are a very interesting person. I like the paintings